GG's Journey: From Lost to Loved Reviews

"I absolutely loved your book Cheryl! I loved how it was written through GG's eyes  I cried , I smiled , I cried some more but most of all I felt the love and compassion  thank you for being a voice for all animals Cheryl and for all you do for them."


"Cheryl, after hearing your story about your support with animal shelters, you inspired my family to foster and adopt a dog after the 2017 fall Alabama floods. You really took the time to educate me about the abuse and neglect that continues to be a rising and out of control problem in the U.S. Thanks for all you do and inspiring us to give back to our community and help!" - Julie G.


“It was a moving and tender story. We all see countless accounts of rescued dogs and their happy ending adoptions, but we never know of the time, hardship, and suffering they experienced before they find a loving family. This helped me really relate to what these animals go through. It opened my eyes to the fear and insecurity these poor dogs face. If you love dogs, I hope you will take the time to read this book. You will never look at another stray or rescue the same. This is also a great book for children to read.” - The Old Crow’s Empty Nest by Narita

“I am 95 yrs. old and just loved this book! I lived on Maryland St. in the early days of my marriage and reading the account of GG's rescue on Maryland St. brought back so many memories for me… This book was both heartwarming and educational.” – Rose M.

“I think this was such an amazing story; probably the best story I’ve ever read.  This story taught me that, by helping others, you can make a difference in their lives. I will never forget this wonderful tale, and I will always have a place in my heart for the animals, such as GG. So, love the animals, and enjoy this great book!” -  Kara M., age 10

"GG's story is a compelling one. I followed her tumultuous journey through discovery, life-threatening illness, adoption and finally, true happiness and contentment in a loving home. Even with the daily knowledge of GG's trials and tribulations, I anticipated each new page--looking for reassurances that GG would complete her journey successfully. A smart, fast-paced read that provides a view into the inner workings of the systems that support, and fail, our four-legged friends." - Melonie C.

“The book GG's Journey is a classic. It was written with LOVE from the heart and when you are reading it, you feel like you are taking the journey with GG. I can tell you there is no word complimentary enough to describe it” - Virginia C "G"

“Thank you for your delightful book and sharing the story of GG who regained her life due to rescue. Our granddaughter, Neva, has even benefitted from our book, as she has had trouble reading and can't wait to read to us from your book.” - Rick and Harley W.

“Loved the book! My granddaughter and I both read it...almost in tears.” - Mona K. 

“Just finished reading GG's story. I read it with great interest and must admit I was one of those people who shied away from pit bulls. Although I will still be cautious, you have changed my attitude. Thank you!” - Barb

“If you ever wondered what the animals you take care of are thinking, GG tells you in her own words. Every Shelter Director or staff member should be compelled to read this book. Her journey could be the same as any animal that comes into your shelter. Truth is we do not know exactly what the animals were subjected to in their previous home. When you are in the middle of a tough decision in your shelter think of GG and ask yourself, have I given this animal a fair chance, did I offer her the best opportunity to cross the Rainbow Bridge on her own time with the right family? She proves that compassion and understanding are the key ingredients to making the right decisions about these animals. I encourage you to read this book and then visit your local shelter and find your GG.” - Ken Kempkens, Humane Society of Macomb County