GG’s Journey Author, Cheryl Phillips, Advocated at the Humane Society of the United States 2019 Humane Lobby Day

Cheryl Phillips

Cheryl Phillips, the author of GG’s Journey: From Lost to Loved, participated in the Humane Society of the United States 2019 Humane Lobby Day on May 14, 2019 in Lansing, Michigan. Phillips was one of 60 animal advocates in attendance.

Humane Lobby Day is an opportunity for animal advocates across the United States to speak to state legislators about passing laws that protect all animals. The event gives advocates an opportunity to impact legislation being passed. It also gives participants a chance to showcase what is important to their community representatives.

“The more people speak up for animals, the more politicians will recognize the legitimacy of animal welfare and prioritize it in the legislation they draft, sponsor, and vote for,” said Molly Tamulevich, Michigan State Director of the Humane Society of the United States.

The event drew visits from Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Senators Dayna Polehanki and Pete Lucido, and Representatives Laurie Pohutsky, Abdullah Hammoud, and Tommy Brann. However, arguably, the most famous face of the 2019 Humane Lobby Day was Teddy the Beagle. Teddy is a survivor of the Dow AgroSciences pesticide test case.

Humane Lobby Day takes place across the country every year. We encourage you to attend your state’s lobby day next year!


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