Vote GG for Animaltarian of the Year!

Cheryl Phillips

GG and GG's Foundation have been nominated for PetPartners Animaltarian of the Year! We are extremely excited to be nominated for this award and need your help. Voting is now underway and round one voting goes through Jan. 24, so tell your friends, and cast your vote today. You can vote once per email per day so be sure to keep coming back and show your support!

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(Be sure that you finalize your vote by clicking the link in the email sent to you from PetPartners. It's the only way your vote will count! The email looks like the image below.)

It is Cheryl Phillips’ mission to trap, neuter, and return as many community felines as she can, and find homes for as many as she can. She not only provides TNR to manage feral cat colonies but medical care and assists pet owners with medical bills, vaccinations, shelter, and straw and provides humane education programs. Phillips dips into her pocket to fund the TNR at $40 - $100 per feline. The hours can range from 6 a.m. to as late as 10 p.m. Once the felines are spayed/neutered and vaccinated, they are anxious to return to their colony caretaker. She frequently picks them up at 6 a.m. and takes them home on her way into the office. “Blizzard; I’ve done that before. I’ve rescued a dog at minus 32 degrees…he was lying in an abandoned garage on a concrete slab, and it took two hours to get him in my car.” “Rescuing and TNR is one of the most personally rewarding experiences in my life; in knowing I am helping to prevent overpopulation and homelessness,” Phillips says.

Phillips hopes the story and her work in the community bring awareness to the plight of homeless animals. She plans to use proceeds to continue her TNR and rescue work. Her long-range plans include opening a sanctuary for homeless, specials need, and senior animals.

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